Allotting the appropriate number and type of staff to surgical operating rooms can be quite the task. To avoid understaffing and creating an unsafe environment, some hospitals tolerate significant amounts of idle time by staffing to historical peaks instead of surgical demand, often with an additional buffer to account for sick time and other paid time off.
Working with a healthcare consulting company in Hinckley, Ohio increases the potential of you maximizing patient satisfaction throughout the perioperative environment while ensuring employee productivity meets administrative goals.
AYA Enterprises can assist with maximizing and optimizing productivity by:
- Ensuring optimal practices in patient preparation activities, skillset mix, and parallel processing.
- Establishing industry standards for nurse-to-patient ratios in pre and post-operative areas, to determine optimal coverage models.
- Providing training and facilitation to ensure perioperative staff in all areas are able to meet the length of stay targets, case time effectiveness targets, and overall utilization goals.
Operating rooms are one of a hospital’s most lucrative areas. Applying available analytic healthcare solutions in Ohio to the perioperative staffing puzzle helps minimize idle time, overtime, and cost while retaining staffing levels that help ensure a safe environment for patients and staff.
Our management and financial consultation services in Ohio can help your management team address and optimize perioperative staffing in your organization. For more information, you can contact us at 330-958-0010. We would love to work with you and your team to increase reliability and income.